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  • Private Livestreams with Nathan Davis Jr. personally
  • A simple trick that allows you to overcome Facebook's new algorithm - so you can greatly improve your social media reach...
  • The fastest way to grow your fanbase so you don't have to rely on the same friends, fans, and family coming to your shows - just use our "fan funnel system"
  • An exact copy of our step-by-step blueprint for you to start booking shows in new cities successfully
  • ​Tons more but running out of room here :-)
hope beat / indie rock
Gold Artist 2020
Whosah is a band of authenticity and joy. In a world increasingly driven by fear-based fake news and click-bait-driven social media influencers, Whosah's honesty and positivity are a refreshing, cool cup of water to anyone that hears one of their songs, dances with them at a show, or just passes them on the street.

Whosah is about living life in the now -- how being present in your current moment is the only moment you actually have. Our music asks the question: what do we actually gain from flying through life? What would our lives, dreams, and relationships be like if we took a breath and slowed down?
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